In a recent development, the government of Tamil Nadu banned the selling of cotton candy in an effort to protect the public’s health. This ban is the result of samples taken from several Chennai booths containing chemicals known to cause cancer, notably Rhodamine-B.
The Government Food Examination Laboratory did a detailed examination prior to Health Minister Ma. Subramanian announcing the ban. The results verified that the industrial dye Rhodamine-B was used to artificially color cotton candy, making it dangerous and below standards under the Food Safety and Standards Act of 2006.
Known for its industrial uses in paper printing and leather dyeing, rhodamine-B presents both short- and long-term health risks when added to food items. In the short term, ingestion may cause breathing difficulties, itching, and a full stomach. However, with prolonged exposure, the dye may build up in important organs including the liver, kidneys, and intestines. This build-up may lead to the development of malignant disorders in the intestines and permanent harm to the liver and kidneys.
The ensuing prohibition was the result of raids carried out by the State’s Food Safety Agency to evaluate the quality of cotton candy in Chennai. According to the Food Safety and Standards Act, using rhodamine-B as a food additive is illegal, and the Commissioner of Food Safety has given enforcement officials strong guidelines on how to deal with violators.
The Health Minister Subramanian has instructed all food safety officers to swiftly adopt the required procedures, and this prohibition is in line with the commitment to public safety. The ruling is reminiscent of similar measures implemented in Puducherry, where the discovery of Rhodamine-B led to the prohibition of cotton candy sales as well.
It is critical that we remain watchful and put the health of our customers first as we negotiate these health issues. The prompt action taken by the government serves as a reminder of the continuous efforts to guarantee food product safety and shield the public from any health concerns.