Mumbai Police is back in action, investigating yet another threat to Salman Khan. This time, the message comes from someone claiming to be Lawrence Bishnoi’s brother. The demand? Head to a Bishnoi temple, apologize for the alleged blackbuck killing, or pay Rs 5 crore. If he fails to do either, they’ve promised fatal consequences.
The Mumbai Police Traffic Control unit got the message on November 4, straight over WhatsApp. The chilling words read, “If Salman Khan wants to stay alive, he should go to our temple and apologize or pay Rs 5 crore. If he does not do so, we will kill him; our gang is still active.” Police are now tracing the sender and digging into whether this is another extension of Bishnoi’s menacing network.
It’s not like this is the first time Khan’s had a run-in with the Bishnoi gang. In fact, threats have been almost a constant for him recently. Just last month, he received a demand for Rs 2 crore from an anonymous source, leading to the arrest of a man from Bandra. Earlier in the year, police intercepted a plot to target him near his Panvel farmhouse, and even an email from Goldy Brar made its rounds, warning Khan.
Meanwhile, Salman has upped his security following the tragic murder of former Maharashtra minister Baba Siddique, a close friend of his, allegedly orchestrated by the Lawrence Bishnoi gang. The actor is still trying to keep his routine intact, working on his latest film Sikandar with heightened vigilance.