Huma Qureshi has faced the kind of struggles that few openly discuss in Bollywood. Recently, she opened up about being unexpectedly removed from films and, to her surprise, only learning about it through the media. This harsh reality is something many actors face but often keep hidden.
One of her most formative memories in her career came while working on her first international film, Viceroy’s House (2017), with the legendary Om Puri. During a tough scene, she hesitated to ask for another take. Sensing her uncertainty, Om Puri requested another take for her.
In Bollywood, rejection and competition are common, but rarely talked about. Huma Qureshi believes in sharing her story to encourage a supportive culture in the industry. Facing abrupt setbacks made her realize the industry can be challenging, but she’s determined not to let it foster bitterness. She aims to “break the dysfunctional cycle” and believes in rising above by focusing on self-growth rather than victimhood.
In her upcoming thriller, Mithya: The Darker Chapter, Huma is working with a fresh cast, including Naveen Kasturia and Avantika Dassani. She’s paying forward the kindness she once received, guiding and encouraging her co-stars.