Mayuresh Wadkar's adventure in the enchanted realm of dance and dreams is nothing short of a Bollywood blockbuster. Mayuresh has created his own dance story, from dancing in the alleyways to performing brilliantly on the Dance India Dance stage to currently...
A Weeklong Expedition of Diversity, Artistry, and Intellectual Valor
In the heart of Sydenham College, the annual extravaganza known as "Rainbow Lane" unfolded its vibrant...
Exploring the Intriguing Persona of Orhan Awatramani
Within the dynamic realm of social media, individuals such as Orhan Awatramani, also known as Orry, arise as...
Six remarkable years have passed since the release of the romantic comedy "Shubh Mangal Saavdhan," produced by Aanand L Rai’s Colour Yellow Productions. Released...